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AireBear Line

This is our AireBear Line, it's our oldest line. This line only produces russian blue, in silvermane, standard, and velveteen coats. The head sire Berry is a personal favorite of many, he's sired many amazing, confident, healthy, and stable rats for people all over the PNW to enjoy.

Traits of this line
- Energetic
- Runs to the front of the cage when they see you
- Squishy to hold with a great tuck up of feet
- Short, wide muzzles
​- Can have some sensitivity to harsh correcting of adults, especially as babies

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This is our WildStar line. This line only produces agouti and black silvermane, there will be an outcross to the blackbear line for velveteen. Garfunkel is our main sire and is absolutely unafraid of dogs, and will happily dangle in my hand completely relaxed even when dogs bark at him. 

Traits of this line
- Bombproof
- Runs to the front of the cage when they see you
- Squishy to hold with a great tuck up of feet
- Naturally very curious temperaments
- Very strong immune systems

WildStar Line

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SunStar Line

Our SunStar line is also a crowd favorite! This line only produces siamese, 99% of the time we have black eyed siamese, and 1% of the time we have red/ruby eyed siamese. This line produces velveteen, harvel, and harley. 

Traits of this line
- Laid back, very lazy
- Can sometimes stress poop but it's almost completely been bred out
- Squishy to hold with a great tuck up of feet
- Especially short and wide muzzles with very big eyes!

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Blackbear Line

This is our Blackbear line. This is a breakoff of our AireBear line. This line produces black, russian blue, dove, and mink. We have heard great things about our litters from this line. Their bodies are slower to mature but they make up for it with cheeky, cuddly personalities. 

Traits of this line
- Energetic
- Runs to the front of the cage when they see you
- Squishy to hold with a great tuck up of feet
- Bucks get very big

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